Mapping Vehicle Commuters in New York City

Because many good things come in threes, I thought I’d round out this series of posts (looking at subways and bus commuters) on commuting trends in New York City with a look at vehicle commuters with this map: As before, this uses data from the US Census Bureau 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. It’s […]

Mapping NYCT Bus Transit Sheds

Alon Levy left a comment on my post earlier today about NYCT Subway transit sheds asking about bus travel. The code I’d written to access the Census API was easy to customize and I just swapped out the subway trips for bus to get this map: As I mentioned in my previous post, relatively few people on […]

Mapping the NYC Subway Transit Sheds

I’ve been fascinated with the idea of a transit shed since I first encountered it studying the transit system in New York City. The idea is similar to a watershed, the area drained by a particular river. Public transit lines are like rivers of people, feeding them into the great reservoirs of jobs all around […]